
Movie theatres Display

Before the opening of new french movie theatres or the addition of display functions, we were able to design the informations screens for a large number of movie theatres (Gaumont-Pathé, MK2 and independant cinemas).
The main difficulty in these projects was the very strong design limititations due to the restricted possibilities of the technology used for this type of displays.

▶ Timing

February 2014 - June 2014

▶ Role

Lead UI Designer and back-up integrator.

▶ Partners in crime

Thibault Plet
Developper / Integrator
Baptiste Picart
Project owner

Louxor - Palais du cinéma

Ecran neutre

Design of the necessary screens before the re-opening of the historical parisian movie theatre.
For this project I had the chance to visit the renovation site, allowing me to recreate and integrate the wall's frieze to my work.


Charte graphique Gaumont-Pathé

After having worked for various movie theatres of the group, creation of a charter of all possible screens, then assistance with integration for some launches.

What's next ?

Since 2014, technologies have of course evolved, so these screens are no longer in place.

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