
Tenders monitoring

As part of the redesign and continuous improvement of the Chantier Privé application, one of the main functionalities to be taken over was the search and management of calls for tenders for building contractors.

▶ Timing

July 2022 - March 2024

▶ Role

Product Manager / Product Designer

▶ Partners in crime

Team Saqara Pro
Agile team in charge of the building contractors

As the search and management of tenders is the application's main functionality, it is the home page for the users.
On this page, construction professionals find their current projects as well as all the new projects available or upcoming.

☝️ For information:
Chantier Privé is an application allowing construction companies (electricians, masons, carpenters, etc.) to find new private tenders to apply to. They can make a request for a DCE allowing them to have access to the technical documents of the site in order to then make an offer to the owner responsible for the project.
If the request is validated, the company will be redirected to another Saqara's platform, allowing them to communicate with the project owner and make their offer in order to be selected.

0.Requirement definition

On this page the user's needs are the following :

→ Find the new projects added to the platform,

→ Among them, easily identify those interesting for the user,

→ Visualize the projects depending on their status for the user (favorite, with/without a request).

Project card

1.Existing's analysis

In the version of the application in place when I arrived, the project cards displayed included the following information: Project name, Postal code, availability status and status of requests if any were made.

Available project

Upcoming project

Unavailable project

Project with waiting requests

Project with validates requests

Project with declined requests


🚫 The project cards don't show enough crucial informations for the users, such as: the name of the project owner, the city name, the construction type (housing, medical, ...) and the validation mode by the owner (manual or automated).

🚫 The changes of the main button's label are confusing, especially considering its target is always the same: the project details page.

🚫 The use of so many colors, furthermore with such low contrast, harms the readability.

🚫 Cropping the title after one line, with uppercase, make it impossible to display the full title the majority of time.


Creation of the mock-ups and specifications for the new component, with the addition to the Design System.

Available project

Upcoming project

Unavailable project

Project with waiting requests

Project with validates requests

Project with declined requests

Research & Filters

1.Existing's analysis

In the version of the application in place when I arrived, the reserach for new projects was possible through 3 filters: Regions, Trades (for example: Plumbing, Carpentry, Framework, ...) and Types of construction.

View of the folded filters

View of an unfolded filter panel


🚫 Following users feedbacks, 3 filters are missing : Project owner's name, Status of the tender (Ongoing, To come, Finished) and Validation mode (manual or automated).

🚫 A searchbar to look for projects by keywords is missing.

🚫 The display of the unfloded filters panel (floating with a different width) harms the understanding.

🚫 No vizualisation of selected filters once filters panels are folded back.


Creation of the mock-ups, specifications and components.

Neutral view

View of an unfolded filter panel

View of the folded back filters

Searchbar - Autocompletion & Suggestions

Filters panel - Mobile version

Freemium version

1.Existing's analysis

The goal of the freemium version is to arouse curiosity without givin away any information that could identify the project and buiding site.

In the version of the application in place when I arrived, the picture and postal code oftenly allowed to identify the project owner and precise location of the project.


In order to lessen the identification the picture without losing the visual balance of the card, it is now heavily blurred.

The postal code is cut to only display the region of the project, in order to stay vague about the localisation while still allowing the user to appreciate the quantity of projects available around them.


1.Requirement definition

Diagram summarizing the transition from one status to another

In the version of the application in place when I arrived, the projects catalog was divided between 3 different pages, depending on its status for the user : New projects, Favorites and Projects with requests.

With the redesign we reunited all the projects on one page, distributed among tabs, each with a counter, in order to bring the visualization and management closer from a project'slife table.

Following users feedbacks, the possibility to mask a project was added.

All these status are unique, they can no longer be combined.


Creation of the mock-ups, specifications and components.



What's next ?

This page being crucial to the platform, its improvment is continuous, following users feedbacks.
One of the firts subject would be to move the filters to a side panel to prevent the arrival of new filters and sorting methods.

Next project →